S.M.A.R.T. 2024 Iron Cross Victors -St Cloud, Florida 040724

Eleven Riders spent Sunday (04/07/24) 'Challenging the Cones' and improving their overall riding skills at the Safe Motorcycle And Rider Techniques Course (offered FREE by the Osceola County Sheriff's Office). This 6 hour course challenges riders to multiple low speed manuvers, managing the throttle 'friction zone' and improving their individual skill sets in a one-on-one, hands on environment.

The ultimate test is the IRON CROSS - a 4 way intersection of 20 foot u-turns ....negotiated in sequence - noon stop.  Three of our members achieved Iron Cross VICTOR status....Ken Garrott, Cliff Crabtree and Dan Kerber!  Congratulations!

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Posted by US0947708