Make your plans now.....we want to win our 6th Consecutive BEST REPRESENTED CLUB award!
Come with our Chapter Ride (9AM from Gator) or drive your cage direct to Walmart....
We need your registration, unwrapped toy and money!
Enjoyed the 249th Birthday Ball commemorating the Marine Corps founding.???
Memories of Tun Tavern and Philly......lots of esprit de corps and some pomp & circumstance!
Thanks to Nic for the invitation and a memorable evening full of LEATHERNECK pride.??
Semper Fi!
With 170 HOG members from 4 chapters attending, T.H. HOG was surrendered to the victorious POLK COUNTY H.O.G. Chapter who brought 48 members in their questr to 'STEAL THE BACON'.
Dayton Beach H.O.G. was the runner up with 36 members in attendance.
Dir. Ken led 27 members is a victorious 'capture' of the T.H. Bacon statuette on a Saturday ride to Titusville Fl - defeating the efforts of competing chapters from Polk County, Daytona and Spacecoast H-D! Over 120 HOG members attended the last meeting of Miracle City HOG in their attempt to STEAL DA BACON.......CONGRATULATIONS to all the participants! Now we will host other competing HOG Chapters as they attempt to return the favor.
It is with great sadness, that the Chapter announces the passing of our much loved member, Jimmy "The Squid" Hackbarth.
Cards may be sent to his loving wife:
Rogene Hackbarth
3345 Lazy Acres Lane
The Villages, Fl 32163
View his Obituary